Curriculum Vitae (abbreviated)
Benjamin T. Shannon
UW Odyssey Project
2238 S Park St
Madison, WI. 53713
[email protected]
PhD University of Wisconsin-Madison
M.A. University of Tennessee-Knoxville
B.A. Winona State University (Summa Cum Laude)
General Field:
European History, 1789 to Present
Primary Field:
German History, 1871 to Present
Secondary Fields:
Modern Intellectual History
Modern Jewish History
Religious Studies
Dissertation Title: "The Political Night Prayer and the Politicization of Religion in West Germany, 1968-1972"
Dissertation Committee: Rudy Koshar (Advisor), Ulrich Rosenhagen, Laird Boswell, Giuliana Chamedes, Joe Dennis, Karl Shoemaker
Professional Experience:
Teaching Faculty: Odyssey Project, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2022-present
English 100 - Introduction to College Composition
History 104 - World Cultures, 1500-present
History 109 - History of Protest and Democracy in America
History 200 - Introduction to History
History 229 - Transnational History of Food
Lecturer: University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2016, 2020-2
History 119 - Europe and the World, 1400-1815
History 120 - Europe and the Modern World, 1815-Present
History 201 - The Historian's Craft
History 310 - The Holocaust
History 357 - World War II
History 359 - History of Europe since 1945
Teaching Assistant: University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2007-9, 2013, 2017, 2019; University of Tennessee-Knoxville, 2005-6
Geography 101 - Introduction to Human Geography
History 120 - Europe and the Modern World, 1815-Present
History 124 - Modern Britain, 1688-Present
History 201 - The Historian's Craft
History 241 - Western Civilization, 7000 BCE-1789
History 262 - World History, 1500-Present
History 351 - Seventeenth-Century Europe
History 514 - European Intellectual History, 1870-Present
Grader: University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2010, 2015; University of Tennessee-Knoxville, 2004-5
Medieval Studies 201 - Medieval Europe, 476-1066
Medieval Studies 202 - Medieval Europe, 1066- 1453
History 223 - Democracy in Europe, 1789-2000
History 223 - War, Race, and Religion in Modern Europe
History 270 - Eastern Europe since 1900
Research Assistant: University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2006, 2010, 2011-2
Research and Writing Specialist (advisor/editor/grader): University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2014
History 425 - History of Poland
History 475 - European Social History, 1914-Present
Writing Consultant (History Lab): University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2017-8
Fellowships and Awards (since 2005):
Inspirational Teaching Award, Department of History Undergraduate Council, UW-Madison, 2022
Excellence in Innovation Teaching Award, Department of History Undergraduate Council, UW-Madison, 2021
Capstone Teaching Award, Department of History, UW-Madison, 2020
Graduate Student Summer Fieldwork Award, Institute for Regional and International Studies, UW-Madison, 2015
Mellon-Wisconsin Summer Fellowship, Mellon Foundation, 2013
Research Grant, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), 2012
Genevieve Gorst Herfurth Fellowship, Department of History, UW-Madison, 2012
Bonn Exchange Program (Research Fellowship), International Institute, UW-Madison, 2010
Vilas Travel Grant, Graduate School, UW-Madison, 2010, 2012
Travel Award, Department of History, UW-Madison, 2010
Foreign Language Area Studies Fellowship (Dutch), Graduate School, UW-Madison, 2008
Language Study Fellowship (German), MARCO Institute, UT-Knoxville, 2005
Travel Award, Department of History, UT-Knoxville, 2005
Service (since 2005):
Oak Hill Humanities Project, UW-Madison and Oak Hill Correctional Institution, 2016-present
Undergraduate Council, History Department, UW-Madison, 2014-5
Joint Committee on Diversity, History Department, UW-Madison, 2011-2
Faculty-Graduate Student Liaison Committee (Chair), History Department, UW-Madison, 2009-10
Faculty Hiring Committee (Graduate Student Representative), History Department, UW-Madison, 2008
Graduate Student Mentor, History Department, UW-Madison, 2007-10
Review of Bildungswege zu »1968« Eine Kollektivbiografie des Sozialistischen Deutschen Studentenbundes by Andrea Wienhaus. German History, Vol. 33, No. 4, (December 2015): 691-3.
Review of Talkin' 'bout my generation': Conflicts of Generation Building and Europe's '1968’ by Anna von der Goltz. Focus on German Studies, Vol 19, (2012): 257-9.
Conference Presentations (since 2010):
"The Political Evensong as Model: Christian Renewal in the West German New Left," presented at the 38th Annual Conference of the German Studies Association, Kansas City, Missouri, September 18-21, 2014.
“Honor Thy Father?: Radical Christians and the Confessing Church,” presented at the 4th Annual History Graduate Student Conference at Northern Illinois University, Dekalb, Illinois, October 21, 2011.
Organizations and Affiliations:
American Historical Association
German Studies Association
Central European History Society
Phi Alpha Theta (Omicron Sigma Chapter)
Language Examinations Passed:
German Proficiency Examination - University of Wisconsin-Madison
Dutch Proficiency Examination - University of Wisconsin-Madison
Zertifikat Deutsch (German Citizenship Requirement) - Goethe Institut